18 th - free kick >> A free kick 31 meters - The third goal further away from of the career of Simão Tróia

18 th - free kick >> A free kick 31 meters - The third goal further away from of the career of Simão Tróia



Date:   December 03, 2011 1:00pm

Time goal: 54 minutes

Match:  Galicioli F.C 1 - 5  REAL LUTHERO FC

Championship : Friendly League - 1°Desafio FPDP X FINMZ - 4ª a 8ª

ID: ?p=match&mid=526290147

A free kick 31 meters!
The third goal further away from of the career of Simão Tróia!
Here the goalkeeper startled up with the ball on him
and failed!